The reality is that the Iranians just can’t stand being ignored. Most Americans could not care less what happens to their bizarre, medieval, non sustainable theocracy. Let them stew with the Russians to their North, the Chinese to their East and the Sunnis to their West. If they actually were so stupid to try something nuclear, they would be incinerated and not by the US. Goodbye and good luck fools.
Said the fly to the spider.
Most Americans should care about what happens in Iran, the world's biggest state sponsor of terrorism who have killed hundreds of Americans ranging from the Marine Barracks in Beirut to the Khobar tower bombing. The Iranians have been sending money and arms to Hezbollah and Hamas. They are constructing a nuclear arsenal and the means to deliver it in the form of ballistic missiles.
The Iranians pose an existential threat to the region including our allies Israel, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Bahrain. I can state unequivocally that they care very much about what Iran says and does. Their survival is at stake.