Christ also wanted us to repent. It’s really one of the most important things he preached. Milo seems want to wallow in sin. He doesn’t seem contrite. He seems proud of his failings. He makes it his most common topic. And he’s hardly generous or forgiving with others. If he wants to be taken serious as a Christian, he should be a Christian first and shun the sins he trivializes.
And how much of it is “putting on a show”? Do you know? Do you really think he’d be reaching so many without the flamboyance and, instead, being the stereotypical Christian? It’s part humor that doesn’t offend the younger generation, they listen. He communicates with humor, so he plays up the homo-ness, jokes about it constantly. When serious his message is not in favor of the gay lifestyle, he knows the pitfalls and has discussed it.
I don’t know what he does in private, just like I don’t know what you do. I’m getting tired of the self-righteousness here.