EVERY Last person involved with the Release of this Illegal ALien Criminal should be Arrested and thrown in PRISON FOR LIFE!
At the Very least the Sheriff is GUILTY as an Accessory to MURDER and should SWING upon Conviction.
If you check Denver media Web Sites (Denver Post, TV stations,etc) they have scrubbed any coverage of this story after day 1.
There way of censorship is to just not follow up let the story die and hope the population forgets it ever happened.
If the story re-enforces one of their political beliefs, they will find an excuse to feature it for days and weeks.
Local TV Newscast in Denver seam to get their marching orders from Huffington Post and Media Matters. There i virtually no story to trivial to cover if it advances a Left wing Talking Point.
Ex. Last Week, Some woman in Pennsylvania was trying to get crowd funding to run a political ad attacking her Republican congressman for supporting Trump. This was a local news story on Denver TV.