“So yes, the attacks have been coordinated... good riddance to a vile human.”
Well pat yourself on the back.
The real degenerate is the right-winger that cheers. Your turn will be soon enough, and then you will be the vile one, and no one is going to come to your aide.
Katya, like myself is no fool. She is aware that he has (apparently) a phony charity and did not write his own book - employing ghost writers who he did not pay.
I, on the other had, follow him on FB, in which he asks ordinary Americans to personally attack overweight people (especially women) because they are ugly to him. He doesn’t offer to pay the legal bills, by the way, but perhaps you think he is employing that “dry humor” so beloved by Americans who know nothing about British viciousness towards American culture good and bad or gay men’s loathing of ordinary people who are not pretty, young, or matches for Donatello’s “David”.
sorry, not patting myself or anyone else on the back. This farce went on for long enough... wait until some of his collection of straight “boys” turn on him. He doesnt seem to have any real friends, and trades the boys in like playing cards. No one who has ever worked with him, likes him.