Maybe it is the truth that he enjoyed it, but it is still desperately wrong. Evil and things that are very destructive often bring pleasure.
Being a homosexual, especially one abused as a child, he is likely to be confused about sexual relationships, and how to think about them. It is part of the “sickness” of it. He said he wants to come out of it. This will mean getting his head on really straight from a holy perspective concerning his past and present views about what it means to come clean before God concerning sex.
If he truly repents then there is room to forgive him and give him a second chance. Unless someone was sexually violated as he was at only 13 we cannot understañd how it may affect them, or how it may have affected us given the same circumstances.
He seems to be struggling against this sin. Sometimes we come out from a sin all at once and sometimes it is a longer process. Let’s pray for him. Again, if he truly repents let’s forgive him.
To come clean, Milo must reveal who “Father Michael” is and report him to the police.
If Milo was a victim of Father Michael, there are other victims and Milo is protecting Father Michael.
What planet are some of you living on?