Watch the ABC news clip.
You can see how they changed the story from what really happened to something that smears Trump. They cut his answer so he only gives the first part. Then they spliced in a congressman who says its racist to ask a back women to set up your meetings with black congressman.
They leave out that she was the only one who asked the question. And that he had tried to set up a meeting earlier. They also leave out the fact that he chose from the back of the room to pick her question out.
Its important to the media that Republicans can never show kindness to African Americans.
Republicans saved the Republic
Freed the slaves
Started the NRA to defend blacks
Not involved in the KKK, PP
Decisive vote to make the (unconstitutional) Civil Rights Act law
Paid trillions in wasted transfer payments
Trump explicitly reaches out
Yet were the bad guys that don’t make them feel welcome -GTFO