I attended TWO of these classes. one at university and one at work when i was an intern. I “attended” /signed as they were MANDATORY but walked out after 5 minutes.
My professor then ridiculed me in front of the class “Well, (max) here just walked out even though I stated it was mandatory”
MY RETORT: “yes sir it was mandatory and I did stay. However where did it say on the announcement we had to stay for the entire time?” Had to leave that class before he gave me a failing grade.
Along diversity lines...
My company has been sued several times.
Two were memorable.
They tried to encourage the Asian operators to attend ESL classes.
Then, they posted signs in the bathroom stalls, in several languages, in an attempt to keep the Asians from squatting over the toilets and crapping on the floor.
The evil of federal contracting is that it preferences companies that have diversity policies and active HR departments promoting it.
It is cheaper to socially engineer a workforce than build a better jet or cheaper missile. So you have federal contractors from Boeing down to their suppliers having SJW-minded people in HR for filling out federal paperwork on diversity metrics to giving training. They get extra credit for tying raises and promotions to diversity training and becoming an ally - in short, publicly endorse these views and actively promote it if you want more money or a future.
Their Bible is Tulane’s Unconscious Bias guidebook. Reference: http://cmsdr2.tcs.tulane.edu/equity/upload/UnconsciousBias.pdf