1. We need to make sure everyone realizes what’s really happening....the Ruling Elite (with tons of $$$$ from SorosNazi and IslamoNazi dictatorships)..decided to foist HilLIARy on us.
They expected to win. Because they pumped two BILLION dollars into her “campaign” and because they controlled the mass media (which bombarded USA with pro-HilLIARy propaganda 24/7). AND because, after all, they won that way with their Illegal IslamoNazi Immigrant in Chief the last two elections. So, realisitically, how could HilLIARy possibly lose?
But ... well, another multi-Billionaire decided that ENOUGH was ENOUGH. And he had lots of stage appeal, too (in his own way, sort of like Ronald Reagan..both having been entertainment stars they knew how to communicate well)
SO NOW the Ruling Elites are scared...or at least mad as Hell. And they’ve decided to undermine, destabilize, criticize, hobble, limit, and smear President Trump any and all ways they can.
Now, if SorosNazi can only find himself one nice morning in the hands of one of the countries that has criminal warrants out for his capture...and they take his filthy lucre for a Soros Victims’ Compensation Fund......and if only HilLIARy is finally prosecuted (for any number of things but especially) taking money from foreign dictatorships (as well as her all-so-flagrant role in Obama’s illegal attack and bombing of Libya, etc)
then the streets of our nation may finally cool down...
and we as a people can get back to rebuilding our country and our lives after all the sabotage of the last 8 years
we have a great deal of work ahead of us, as does President Trump. we need to find legal ways of stopping the deliberate obstruction...so we can repair the Obama’Hillary’Kerry’Pelosi’Reid damage
“the Ruling Elite (with tons of $$$$ from SorosNazi and IslamoNazi dictatorships)..decided to foist HilLIARy on us.”
We need to find out who the ruling elite is, find out what their names are.
The fact that Soros is known makes me think he is only second-tier.