Actually, unless the woman self aborts, one would go after the person or persons who performed the abortion.
Wouldn’t be a contract killing? If that was the case you’d go after the person paying for it and the killer. Course, we’d run out of jail space...
I get why that’s the politically easier thing to advocate, but I don’t see by what logic the woman isn’t at least an accessory to the purported murder and likely more.
“Actually, unless the woman self aborts, one would go after the person or persons who performed the abortion.”
Woman who have abortions are full and willing participants in homicide.
You mean if I hire a hit man to kill you I’m innocent?
Let’s be intellectually honest. That’s a fair question by Matthews and us anti-abortionists don’t have a good answer.
You have the most correct answer in this thread today.
If society pulls the plug on abortion providers, the abortion industry essentially vanishes.
Those who chose to engage in self-abortion often lost their lives in the process.
There will be a small number who will still try to self-abort, of course, but for most the temptation to engage in such an act tends to be self-limiting, if one reasonably believes it might cost them their own lives.