What the hell? Is this for real?? If it is, PLEASE, everyone, send him this link non-stop. Flood the Twitter account of this stupid mofo with this.....
I just did BTW....Keep it going!
if so, it’s because of that graphic the lefties were posting on the DUmp showin the Statue of Liberty hugging Obama, and she’s still suffering the aftereffects.
Seems to me that when the old girl was put up we had strict guidelines and control over who and how many we allowed to immigrate to America, I know my parents waited years in a worn torn Europe before they were approved. Why do schmuks like Schumer think this asinine argument will fly when we all know the demonrats are just trolling for new voters.
Chuckles the Clown reminds us how superior we are. Just think... you could have been born THAT dumb.
It’s just that jihadists, even cultural jihadists, are not “huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” They are imperialists determined to take over and subjugate us, Chuck. Lady Libety is fist-pumping today. MAGA!
[[”Tears are running down the cheeks of the Statue of Liberty tonight as a grand tradition of America, welcoming immigrants, that has existed since America was founded has been stomped upon,”]]
Geeez- could he come up with anything any more Schmucky than that?
Lady Liberty was doing a happy dance in the early hours of November 9, 2016.
Chuck Schumer and the horrible democrats abused the goodness of the American people by dumping violent illegals on us and not giving a damn about how we felt.
Go eff yourself Chuck Schumer...
A little rhetoric from a little man.
Here is part of it:
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Let me emphasize a very important phrase:
"Yearning to breathe free"
Does anybody believe that the San Bernardino shooters were "yearning to breathe free"?
We said the same for the Obama Regime. Sorry, Chucky. Borrowing our image of Libery crying does not work. Your camp is for the loss of liberty.
Speaking of the Statue of Liberty here is a TV ad being run by Michigan’s vile attorney Fieger. Must be a Dem talking point now.
“are the camera’s on?”
“Give me your tired,your poor,your huddled masses yearning to breath free”.- Emma Lazarus. There is nothing in that poem about welcoming uncivilized homocidal welfare leeches to America.
If I were Trump, I’d chisel that Emma Lazarus socialist clap-trap off the statue’s pedestal. It didn’t come with the statue, has nothing to do with liberty, and is a prog abomination.
Trump is not blocking immigrants. He’s blocking people from countries where terrorism is being sponsored.
How does Taking in immigrants and refugees create Jobs, but more IMPORTANTLY Chuckie, why do You and your kind Hate AMERICA?