These trade agreements such a NAFTA and others were government forced lowing of living standards for millions of factory workers and others over the past thirty or more years. We should never have entered such trade agreements with Third World nations because the only thing that could happen is what did happen, a trade of US factories and jobs for cheap labor, resulting in thousands of plants leaving the US to produce in cheap labor nations and ship back to the US market.
That needs to be reversed and any reductions in living standards of consumers will be tiny compared to the reduction in living standards of the factory workers who lost jobs to these past agreements.
We should have free trade with nations of comparable living standards, and tariffed trade with cheap labor nations in most cases.
"Government-forced free trade" is an oxymoron. "Free trade" by definition is "free" of government coercion or interference. Free trade is the voluntary cooperation of buyers and sellers in the marketplace without government interference or coercion and is what creates wealth.
Leftists always steer away from the root problems caused by government coercion ("the government is never wrong") and interference and many misguided on the Right think the free market is the culprit. But our economic ills have been artificially induced by the feds through high taxes, suffocating regulations, union protection and unconstitutional minimum wage. Tariffs attack none of these root causes but, as government always does, adds more government coercion and interference into the economy making matters worse for the American consumer.