That is abjectly false. There are people like me who favor lowering all tax rates. It is not inconsistent to advocate for lower tariffs, lower sales taxes, lower business taxes, and lower income taxes. Your argument otherwise is bizarre.
Would you replace the income tax with a sales tax and a tariff?
Anyone who is truly pro-American and supports the Constitution and national sovereignty certainly can't advocate for passing a treaty under watered-down auspices.
The fact is, the TPP could never be passed if it had to be approved as a treaty, so for its proponents to attempt to repackage it as something that it's not raises a major red flag right from the get go.
Furthermore, the record has demonstrated that such so-called "free-trade" agreements are invariably unbalanced and unfair with respect to the interests of the United States. For instance, US trade barriers to other countries are routinely lowered at an accelerated rate, while barriers to US trade are almost always reduced much more slowly, and/or to a lesser degree.
One cannot be dogmatically wedded to "lower taxes" if there are other aspects of a treaty which have a negative impact that counterbalances any tax benefits.
It seems to me like an agreement to "lower taxes" between trading counties could be accomplished in much less space than the byzantine 5,600+ pages which define the TPP.
So, yeah, lower taxes is great, as long as the country isn't getting screwed over by all the other provisions which have nothing to do with "lower taxes".
The TPP is a leviathan treaty which can't be passed under traditional Constitutional strictures, but instead (as always) must rely on "fast tracking" and such.
No thanks.
Constitutional due process should not be sacrificed on the altar of expediency, even in the name of "lower taxes". If this country is going to sign treaties relating to trade with other countries (and that's what agreements such entities are, by definition), then fine, but international law, good or bad, shouldn't be rammed through using methods which clearly ignore Constitutional safeguards.