The constant DRUM BEAT over how Obammie inauguration attendance was SO MUCH BIGGER!!! This meme is to do NOTHING MORE than to push the agenda that Trump had NO SUPPORT except REDNECKS!!! YET if you LOOK at the COUNTY election map of the country POTUS Trump WON DAMNED NEAR EVERYTHING!!! These MSM BASTARDS are PUSHING the division in the country, making the VERY SMALL portions of the country that went for HELLARY seem MUCH LARGER than they honestly are!!!
Personally, I would not ride a buss for 3 days and sleep on the floor of a fleabag hotel to go (It's the Democrat way).
I would loved to have gone. Not even about the money, we could afford it. But I have a job and a house and pets and other obligations and it just was not going to work out. Plus how much can you see? I watched it from the comfort of the house we own on the furniture I bought!