Donald J. Trump at White House Washington DC.
20 mins ·
Earlier today I signed three executive orders:
1. Withdraw the U.S. from the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP.)
2. Reinstate the Mexico City Policy dealing with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and abortion access.
3. A complete freeze on federal workforce hiring - with the EXCEPTION of our United States Military.
Woohoo! These are all great initiatives....despite what McPain says about the withdrawal from the TPP.
President Trump says what he means and means what he says, McPain. Get a grip.
Love the ending of US subsidies for internationally based abortions!
LOVE ALL OF THESE MEASURES! WOW = someone is doing a great job of organizing all these initiatives along with all the personnel installations and appearances (like at the CIA and with the business and Labor Union people today).
SO MUCH WINNING it makes my head spin! In a good way....