Jim, I still have some descriptor words about Obama. Can I bump this thread from time to time with an update to the Wall of Text about him?
For example:
It is 0 days, 6 hours, 59 minutes, 17 seconds until the stuttering fruity enemy-agent Muslim-excusing prancing pusillanimous embarrassing perpetually-aggrieved lawless defiling vote-faking unctuous careless warmongering hypocritical sniveling whining overreaching disreputable sulking treacherous squandering odious disgusting backstabbing election-corrupting robbery-inclined formulaic plundering indolent callous violence-agitating motherless-punk puerile intruding sickening wicked sullen wretched venal psychopathic grifting peculiar furious (and fast) gratuitously-opining lame-duck faithless charlatan spying-for-enemies shallow fake irrational mumbling imbecile dejected slothful acrimonious demanding trivial putz juvenile delinquent odiferous malicious reptilian detestable conniving Marxism-loving bastard peevish America-surrendering sly villainous undignified shameful touchy unwelcome exhausting abominable indecisive moronical stomach-turning depressed meddling corrupt predatory impoverishing personal-history-concealing dangerous resentful apathetic egotistical absurd unaccomplished poisonous black-supremacist arsehole repressive putrescent vindictive fallacious contemptible simpering megalomaniacal subversive spoiling sputtering vicious disruptive perjurious taxing predictable nauseating awful combative blasphemous injurious horrid inane silly ridiculous impotent race-baiting pussified evidence-faking crazed inconsequential unconcerned trash-talking cynical arrogant vacuous sanctimonious foul exploitive mercurial mocking Christophobic easily-fooled nefarious appalling atrocious uncaring disobliging vile Republican-enabled colluding wimpy internecine prevaricating raging hoplophobia-consumed deceptive irresponsible aimless choleric belligerent disorderly repellent childish insolent Israel-hating felonious disloyal illegitimate jejune panic-encouraging contentious creepy effete deleterious sophism-embracing cheating sinful self-important slimy chaos-creating lying afflicted covert insurrectionist robotic repulsive terrible pugnacious confused secretive vomitous pitiful worthless calculating Machiavellian brazenly-hypocritical ill-mannered Shadow-Government-creating insecure conspiring imperious ineffectual antagonistic globalist unscrupulous preening Republic-despoiling maniacal obstructive disdainful Godless reprehensible opportunistic trifling poseur loutish abnormal economy-sacking venomous disgraceful insincere degenerate disingenuous grabbastic ruinous prideful petty fake-news-promulgating underhanded furtive dishonest obnoxious horrifying menacing swindling catastrophic double-crossing bellicose pretentious fraudulent heinous ideological high-handed autocratic pouting twisted spiteful blundering reality-inverting perverse foolish Imperialist bragging obstructing shyster transsexual-favoring unintelligible sacrilegious insidious monstrous vengeful tricky overconfident idiotic oily pathetic sucker self-aggrandizing covetous ghastly artificial falsely-accusing-of-racism querulous rueful haughty condescending cryptocracy-creating malign sinister boasting glib snake-like revolting self-centered bankrupting unrepentant small-minded defensive slithering gullible goldbricker immoral constantly-golfing demagogic falsehood-spewing complaining anti-Semitic plagiarizing truculent surreptitious unoriginal despicable Che-idolizing deliberate ghoulish betraying demonic cocky nihilistic deflecting unbalanced riot-fomenting destructive Islamic ruthless despotic tragedy-celebrating unhelpful depraved malevolent deranged homicidal miscreant pompous Caucasian-hating mean nasty malefactor scheming presumptuous accusatory tradition-breaking unstable loathsome catty homosexual dark-and-moody Allah-worshiping insurgent unsavory unpleasant naive failing uncooperative self-seeking annexing ignominious turbulent criminal-coddling imitating fetid baneful patronizing oligarchist assassination-encouraging surly disastrous baleful conspiracy-creating troublemaking disagreeable misleading smug rude specious ominous sneaky anti-American scourge erratic chaotic derisive immodest freakish hostile dainty sissified malfeasant thin-skinned pointless simpleminded toxic amoral oppressive Internet-killing grotesque diabolical tragic sociopathic incomprehensible unpredictable perilous hateful guilty disrespectful renegade racist Mohammad-loving traitorous evil supercilious crooked devious angry cloddish incompetent treasonous Supreme-Court-destroying manipulating threatening collaborating egocentric middle-finger-waving heartless breacher-of-trust screwy braggadocios socialist perfidious slandering propaganda-spreading slippery outlandish petulant conceited poltroon deviant violence-provoking execrable Constitution-ignoring malignant provocational falsifying ignoble queer narcissist noxious scornful Saboteur-In-Chief illegal duplicitous effluent-like hideous malefic dreadful Satanic communist gay crack-smoking pernicious Kenyan crypto-Muslim mendacious dictator usurping scamming Choom-smoking so-called-President "Stompy-Foot" Obama, who is now a confirmed supporter of Islamic terrorists, is SPURNED, REPUDIATED, FORSAKEN, RENOUNCED, JOBLESS, REMOVED, REJECTED, UNEMPLOYED, DISCARDED, DESPISED, SENT-PACKING, SHUNNED, EJECTED, UNWANTED, REBUFFED, EVICTED, REMOVED, SCORNED, and leaves office.
That is:
0 days
6 hours
419 minutes
25157 seconds
Well, Laz, you never got to announce the last second! At least you got the last day in.