obama sure drew that line in the sand... muslim vs United States... he divided our nation and did it with a charisma that hides who he is.
Everything in the media is run by politics and truth is rare. The club that has been running our country is wider and deeper than I ever knew. Who does NOT belong to that unappointed and unelected bunch of establishment persons who thought they were the governing body in Washington. Everyone who is anyone, belongs to that group of disgruntled people who are out to get Trump... How dare he come in and take over!! We won this election... we, the uneducated, unworthy deplorables... our numbers were more than they had figured!
People in this Forum were right, they were wrong. They lost.
They now must protest. Remember when Hillary made such a big deal about Trump accepting the results of the election?
The country rejected the liberal ideas nation-wide. Now the media cannot get a handle on what went wrong with their propaganda machine. They are arrogant and smarter than everyone else, but they lost? Where do they go from here?