Ok let us relive a few years
Virginia--------Timothy Kaine (52.5%) George Allen (47.5%) - The Mecaca Moment brought to you by the Lying Propaganda machines
Massachusetts---Elizabeth Warren (53.7%) Scott Brown (46.3) - In this case the Winner and the Looser are Commies
Missouri--------Claire McCaskill (54.7%) Todd Akin (39.2) - Another shining moment in the Excellent work of the Propaganda machines
Wisconsin-------Tammy Baldwin (51.5%) Tommy Thompson (45.9) - Well, it is Wisconsin - maybe they are waking up?
Arizona---------Jeff Flake (49.7%) Richard Carmona (45.8)- Just another Scott Brown stile GOPe schmuck
North Dakota----Heidi Heitkamp (50.5%) Rick Berg (49.5) - The Wisconsin effect must have rubbed off
Montana---------Jon Tester (48.7%) Denny Rehberg (44.8) - Once again The Wisconsin effect must have rubbed off
Nebraska--------Deb Fischer (58.2%) Bob Kerrey (41.8) - Do we have a thumbs up for CORN Subsidies - Yes, I think so
Texas-----------Ted Cruz (56.6%) Paul Sadler (40.5) - A very good result
2014 - Only two seats need to be recalled - Both GOPe Geriatric incumbents won primaries
Kansas----------Pat Roberts Greg Orman
Mississippi-----Thad Cochran Travis Childers
Flake is up soon. Time to get a real candidate to oppose him.
That was a stupid unforced error. It's not propaganda if it's true. The man was an idiot.
Well, in the case of Massachusetts, the VOTERS are the Commies!