Yes, if only we were given privilege to more collaborations between the media and Democrats we would have an answer, but usually the participants at Free Republic make some insightful analysis that nails it.
My guess is this current making an enemy of the ‘Russians’ is a big mistake in a way like not supporting the uprising in Iran. The civilian populations need us as a beacon for freedom, and pursuing modern conveniences like plumbing, electricity, cars, computers, appliances, reliable delivery services, ATV’s, snowmobiles, construction equipment, ect.
How much better their life’s could be if we worked with the good people and marginalized, contain, or eliminate the bad?
The regime always trys to stick us with the evil deeds they are doing.
For instance,tell Vlad I'll have more flexibility after the election,remember that one?
What if zero is a Russian plant like Rense suggested years ago?
What if the Iran play in bumping them up in every way possible, money, freedom,no more sanctions,nukes, etc.etc. was all designed to ally Russia,Iran and Syria so Russia can one day have that warm water port or pipeline they so desperately need? Already they have secured Syria and now Iran is more than secure but up to their old tricks of fomenting revolution all over the place. All done in plain sight.
Could it be mission accomplished for ozero and now he's trying to put it all on Trump for being too friendly with Putin? When all the time he was the traitor. It would be exactly how they have played us over and over.