Consider that they know this is a lie and only is serving as a deflection from THEIR sedition, THEIR treason, THEIR support of al Qaeda and ISIS, and THEIR Pizzagate:
Any of these issues sink the hard left. They don't dare let those of us who will and have already researched these issues get ny traction. Pizzagate,Benghazi,Lybia, Hillary's server all spell jail time for some really big lefties.
Great post Diogenesis!
Kellyanne now on FNC explaining how the hard left works on issue after issue,shes great,looks really tired, but she's the best.
I don’t recall exactly who this Piecznik guy is.
Kellyanne now on FNC explaining how the hard left works on issue after issue,shes great,looks really tired, but she’s the best.
Great she is staying with The Donald. A voice of sanity who takes these bozos on in a fact based, in your face manner to expose their weasel word way of trying to make people believe they , and only they know the truth....
Nice post on the other info/efforts to deflect from the litany of Dem issues that would have sunk any Republican ( benghazi, lybia etc)