And methinks this is by design, as the global-socialists who run D.C. wish to de-industrialize the U.S.
Pretty much. But it was unfair, doncha know. After WW2, the US was a manufacturing juggernaut, maybe a lot of which had to do with the fact that most of Europe’s and Japan’s competing factories were in ruins. You just can’t have too much winning - or can you? (DJT)
The trick is to complain about regulations and taxes because that gets the good old boy "conservatives" on your side. Meanwhile, while no one is looking, set up your production facilities in the 3rd world thereby by reducing your labor cost to almost 0. After the move tell everyone it was those nasty regulations that sent you packing. The "Conservatives" lap it up like a dog to his vomit.
This is how we ended up with 70,000 closed factories and still no import tariffs to speak of....