They lost 1.2% last year. That’s investment malpractice. Whoever is managing this pension fund is either incompetent, crooked, or both.
They probably invested it all in renewable energy companies or other so called socially responsible investments.
They may have been directed by the legislature to do politically correct investments which can have a negative effect on return.
“They lost 1.2% last year. Thats investment malpractice. Whoever is managing this pension fund is either incompetent, crooked, or both.”
There was an article in the WSJ a few months ago about the guy who runs the State of Wyoming civil service pension fund. He invests it in a portfolio of index funds, and for decades has beat every actively managed state pension fund. He runs a one-man shop, and most days he either meets with state legislators or travels around the state, giving PowerPoint shows explaining how and why he manages the fund the way he does.
#13 I bought nvidia stock at $62.25 back in late August 2016
Now at $103. Had been at near $120. It started the year around $30. Keep an eye out for AMD stock. It went from about $1.75 to around $12 last year.
They must be investing in democrat futures which explains the big losses like in their elections.
I almost doubled my money in 4 months. Why can’t these pros do so?