“No! He was given his command in June of ‘08. That would have been W.”
It is important to realize that the US is noted for its peaceful transition of power from one President to the next. The current occupant is known as a “Community Organizer”, AKA a Socialist Operative. the groups protesting and threatening violence are Socialist front groups.
I realize this is a tin foil supposition, but no one knows what might rear its ugly head.
Prayers up for a peaceful transition.
That’s the problem: it appears we have to go far beyond prayers.
Hopefully the Brig. Gen DJT replaced him with has gotten the word out that zero shenanigans will be tolerated.
Actually, Community Organizer, is a job invented by Saul D. Alinsky (author of Rules for Radicals) that he formulated while plugged into the National Crime Syndicate through association with Meyer Lansky.
The “community organizer” job is patterned after the “insurance” collectors, shake down artists and general issue thugs used by the crime syndicate as local “tax collectors”.
Claiming the title of community organizer is admitting to criminal act and actions.