Going to repeat what I said above to someone else who is refuting without reading or understanding:
You didnt read the article.
Read the article, and refute anything USING THE ARTICLE as your point of reference. Even if you say the article is bunk, use it and explain your points.
Your post shows you didnt read it, and you do not understand the actual science.
Excellent response to non readers of the excellent article. Knee jerk morons tell everyone else to get in line. The article is too long, has too much science and facts for the lower IQ’d among us.
I found a great interview with Dr. Paul Thomas this morning, linked here. https://soundcloud.com/user-507883655/6-dr-paul-thomas-interview-how-to-end-the-autism-epidemic
Here is an excerpt of an article by Jennifer Margulis co author of Dr. Thomas book The Vaccine Friendly Plan
“Dr. Paul Thomas, M.D., my co-author and a pediatrician with over 13,000 children in his practice in Portland, Oregon, has noticed that the children who are the most vaccinated in his practice are also the least healthy.
As unpopular as this observation might be, my unvaccinated children are by far the healthiest. Dr. Paul Thomas, M.D.
Anyone who would smugly say, The science is clear or The science is settled profoundly misunderstands what science is. Science is a process of inquiry. Any scientific knowledge that any given generation has is always subject to scrutiny. Science is never settled.
We keep talking about vaccines being a potential trigger for autism because we keep seeing American children being harmed by our current CDC vaccine schedule. If the harm werent happening, we would not be having this conversation.
Is it the glutathione-depleting acetaminophen given before and after vaccination that is triggering autism?
Is it the cumulative toxic exposure, a negative synergy between vaccine ingredients?
Is the depleted microbiome because of the overuse of antibiotics playing a role?
Is there an in utero assault with ultrasound exposure and a trigger pulled by aluminum in the hepatitis B vaccine given at birth?
The honest truth is that we simply dont know. But we cant find out if we dont ask the right questions. With 1 in 45 children diagnosed with autism today, we are in the midst of a national health crisis that can no longer be ignored.”