Ted just flushed all the RATs’ chutzpah down the drain. Bet we don’t see that massacre on MenSeekingMen broadcasts tonight.
Sen. Cruz’s statement:
“But heres the kicker. Many of Sessions opponents actually believe the Justice Department does not need reform. To them, the lawlessness is a feature, not a bug.”
“President Obamaand Eric Holder and Loretta Lynchdid not mess things up, in this view. Rather, they successfully transformed the DOJ from a law enforcement agency to yet another law enhancement agency. To them, Sessions is a threat because of his impartial commitment to the rule of law.”
Ted said it too nicely. The last eight years reflect a complete abuse of power by the DOJ. They have gone far beyond their role and selectively distribute what they deem as justice. They have become the Dept. of Just-Us.