Such as...
"Taken together, the numbers show that there's more to meets the eye than a headline unemployment rate of 4.6 percent, the lowest since August 2007. Because that number ignores those not in the labor force, as well as workers at part-time jobs for economic reasons, it doesn't tell the whole story. A broader jobless measure is at 9.3 percent."
And this..
""I have a problem with people saying we're at full employment," said Dan North, chief economist at Euler Hermes North America, a trade credit insurance company. "We have a record 95 million people sitting on the sidelines. To me, that's hardly full employment.""
“A broader jobless measure is at 9.3 percent”
At best; the NYC metro area is bleeding young American workers because there is so little opportunity. The foreigners trafficked here to replace them have little English or job skills; there is no expectation they’ll work, but instead occupy housing and provide children to occupy classrooms.