Neither of those actions are consistent with the policy of the US.
Why would the State Department spend resources on actions opposed by the Administration they work for? They shouldn't.
And because that mindset will change in 14 days. I would not side with a State Bureaucrat liberal POS like Kirby under any circumstances.
What this shows is that the talk of a "smooth transition" is just that, but at least Trump understands that completely, even if a lot of people fall for that claptrap that comes out of the lying mouths of filthy liberals.
What they are doing is deliberate sabotage, nothing else, even though they and others will use the fig leaf of "It isn't policy yet". He isn't asking them to take action before the election. He isn't asking to change policy before the election. It is pure rhetoric to say he is changing policy or taking action in advance of the inauguration and that they are denying him any preparatory assistance because he is not president.
He will be President, and he will change policy. They know that and are simply being obstructionist, doing what liberals do, and I think that is perfectly fine. It shows what kind of people they are, and that has value.