I am 100% certain that Hillary consciously decided not to campaign (much) in key (close) states such as Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.
I am 100% certain John Podesta was the victim of a phishing expedition, and 100% certain his IT guy who verified that the phish was not a phish is an idiot.
I am 100% certain Hillary exposed State secrets to unauthorized staff and friends.
I am 100% certain Lil Debbie and Donna Brassier rigged the Primaries to tank Bernie.
I am 100% certain lost the election based on her own incompetence and that of her staff.
I am 100% certain that Jill Stein's feeble attempt at the recounts revealed Democrat tampering in many precincts - and and failed to reveal that the tampering was from any Russian influence.
Inasmuch that the media fails to identify the difference between "immigration" and ":illegal immigration", I am 100% convinced that the media does not understands the difference between a "hack" and a "leak".
So: "What difference, at this point, does it make?"