L.V. Anderson is a fool. I would like L.V. Anderson to NAME ONE GROUP SHE EXTENDS 'TOLERANCE, JUSTICE AND RESPECT' to THAT'S NOT A MEMBER OF HER DEMOCRAT BASE. She extends 'tolerance' to herself and her fellow travelers.
That's NOT the definition of 'tolerance'....
Listen up L.V. Anderson - I'M "TOLERANT" TOO! I'm tolerant of gun owners, evangelical Christians and Trump Supporters. And I show respect and offer dignity to those groups.
So please L.V. Anderson tell me ONE group you're 'tolerant of' that's NOT a part of your progressive group-think. Just one, sweetie. You're not tolerant L.V. Anderson - you're a closed minded bigot.
They lie. They don’t want tolerance, they want respect and approval. I had to attend a lot of diversity training in the military an they would talk about tolerance but they actually meant respect. In one of the last classes I attended I brought this up and the instructor tried to say they were the same thing. I explained that tolerance means you don’t try to stop someone from doing something just because you disagree with it. Respect is that you actually admire or give deference to them. I then stated I don’t admire homosexual men but I do tolerate them. That went over like a ton of bricks.