One does not observe a religion because it has created a "civilization." One observes a religion because it is objectively true. To adhere to a religion merely because it is the religion of one's ancestors/nation/civilization is a form of ancestor worship and paganism. In fact, one could be an atheist and practice one's "ancestral" religion.
This "palaeocon" civilizationism is a blight on our side of the spectrum. Non-Theists have no legitimate reason to subscribe to any ideology anywhere on the spectrum.
“This “palaeocon” civilizationism is a blight on our side of the spectrum”
So says the thoroughly discredited and corrupt Neoconservatives.
Yes, Christianity provides the plumb line to use in building and maintaining a good, just society. In essence, Christianity is not a religion but a relationship with God - the creator, enabler, sustainer.