I’ve never understood the desire to spend just huge sums of money on prostitutes. The oil boom brought in many ladies of the evening, supposedly charging a $1,000 per visit, and guys willingly lining up. According to a bartender I know in Williston, ND, many guys spent every dime they had on these creatures and left broke when the boom was over.
Personally, I’m the big truck type. At least I have something to show for the money, and the only thing breaking down as a result of the purchase would be the truck itself.
I’d rather have something to show for my labors like you.
“Ive never understood the desire to spend just huge sums of money on prostitutes. The oil boom brought in many ladies of the evening, supposedly charging a $1,000 per visit, and guys willingly lining up. According to a bartender I know in Williston, ND, many guys spent every dime they had on these creatures and left broke when the boom was over.”
There were no females up there. If you go for months without even seeing a real woman, the $1000 starts to look cheap.