This lady is supposedly a medical doctor. Maybe she'll do an assisted suicide on herself and all her friends.
Lisa, you ignorant slut.
Dear Ms. Pryor:
For your own safety and the safety of all those around you, please seek professional help.
The NYT’s tears are delicious and invigorating. Conservatives should have had this delicacy years ago.
Settle back and have one or two of those big Australian beers...
Why do these articles cheer me to no end?! Dumb shats reveal, without meaning to, that the past 8 years are what brought on decay and hopelessness. They are evil, pathetic, and trying to misdirect other dimwits. Go Trump!!
This is what eight years of living under people you admire does for you. Who do think's been President for the last eight years? Trump?
It is a measure of your colossal ignorance that you choose to publish this plea in the newspaper most reviled by, and the one least likely to be read by Trump voters.
Please take time to educate yourself on such details. Because right now, we are just laughing at you.
Sincerely, nwrep
Lisa needs to go to a padded safe space and have all sharp objects removed.
Another whining foreign Leftist whom we can ignore. They don’t know what a real American values. It isn’t running shoes or cable TV. It’s FREEDOM, and our greedy, oppressive government was infringing on our right to be left alone to live in freedom. So we are working to restore that freedom that God gives us as our right. So many heroes have died to preserve that precious birthright, the least we can do is vote to preserve it.
Dear Lisa: Why don’t you keep your unwanted opinions to yourself! Merry Christmas.
Sorry, but the “Deplorables in Fly-Over Country” see the situation quite differently. Perhaps is you liberals would move out of your east coast/west coast comfort zones you would begin to see the light and why Ms. Hillary did not win the election.
For some reason the news has just become hilarious these past 6 weeks or so.
Maybe she should check out how much money the Australian government gave to the Clinton Foundation to plant trees in Mexico and Vietnam and study sustainable sugar cane in Indonesia
Cry us a big one in your Fosters, mate
Gee sorry we denied them the chance for a really BIG fleecing for 4 years of RodhamClinton
Dear Lisa,
Please take a moment to seriously ponder who has been in charge for the last eight years. If you think about it deeply for maybe ten seconds, you will quickly conclude Who has been driving our country into this state of decay.
Those of us who voted for Trump see this decay every day. We voted against it.
Love, exDemMom
Get a life. Most of us don't even know the name of your President or Prime Minister whatever.
Ms Pryor,
You are a perfect example of the failure of the left process. When Clinton and Obama got elected, did the conservative break down and cry? No, up went the sleeves and we worked to get back into the leadership of the houses and president to try to undo what damage has been done over the previous 25 years. We, as conservatives, don’t fold up when it comes to wishing our agenda to protect this nation from people that can’t mentally or physically handle a simple task of reality.
I’m sad you are in this position. Because you are a person incapable of handling your own life. If you’d have been around in 1775, we’d be playing little league soccer and having tea in the afternoons. And our economy would be in the toilet just like Canada. But they stay alive because of US help.
I hope you can put on your big girl’s panties someday and grow up to what’s happening rather than what you are told to write. You’ve got to answer to the supreme beiong at some point.
This unfortunate liberal is a Baker Act candidate.
Before even reading the article, I could tell that the author was from NSW, probably Sidney. And I was right. If you spoke to someone in the Western Australia, or the Northern Territory, or any part of Queensland outside the cultural orbit of Sidney, you’d get a different opinion, one similar to what you would find in our own fly-over country. The same cultural divide exists down under as here, and the residents of Sidney think those living in the other parts of their county I mentioned are dangerous, fascist, bumpkins.
This b!tch is a MEDICAL DOCTOR. Would any of you seriously want her to treat you for anything?