Sorry about your hand.
Unlike you, most all folks who carry a defensive weapon must choose to either carry it with a unit in the chamber or risk not having two hands free to do so. Two hands free is an unacceptable choice. Hence my comment. I have no problem with a chambered round. I was addressing my comments only to those who have some reason not to carry with a round in the chamber.
Sorry I missunderstood you. How me learning how to rack a semi auto came about quite by accident. Ever since I lose my left arm due to cancer I never thought that I could chamber a round [rack]in a semi auto, so I never tried. One day about 5 months ago a friend and I were discussing shooting. He said, we need to come up with a way to chamber a round[rack] with one hand.I have two hands, but what if I am in a fight and get shot in one arm.” So we came up with a way to either use your shoe or belt to chamber a round after inserting a fresh mag. After that was when a guy showed me the “tool” that you place on the slide, push down and release it and presto, you are ready to go. When have it with me, it has one in the pipe and a full mag, ready to go.