As a libertarian (or classical liberal), I see all things as a contest of authority versus Liberty.
Arbitrary or excessive authority should always be opposed on general principle, regardless of which "side" of the political spectrum it comes from. Why? Because such power inherently carries the potential for abuse, and that mere potential for misuse is what many Founders (specifically George Washington, for example) were most concerned with when the Constitution was crafted.
Since so many on both the Left and Right are perfectly willing to dispense with the principle of minimal government in order to fast track their way to their "ideal" America, I frequently find myself opposing both the Left and the Right, either alternately or jointly, on countless issues.
In any event, I categorically reject the notion that our choices must be made between competing (and equally invalid) versions of Tyranny. The true spectrum is between authority and liberty, and I will always have nothing but disdain for authority which cannot justify itself compellingly (as opposed to marginally). The more we "fudge" issues of arbitrary Law, the more we ensure a dystopian American future.
So many are willing to take self-righteous, illegitimate shortcuts through the inherent challenges which exist within a free and open society.