Look, people have already accepted the following:
1) No one who is sick can be turned away, even if they won't pay.
2) The standard of care for non-payers and payers must be the same, both as to location and scope.
3) A person who is 25 years and 364 days old is a child.
4) "Insurance" must pay for events that befall 100% of people at some point (imagine the cost of fire insurance if all houses burned down).
5) Persons illegally within the US are all entitled to free care, without exception, and it must be paid for by providers' income from "insurance" payments.
None of these five essentials is the least bit controversial (meaning, none can or will be overturned by voting).
And, President-elect Trump has added a sixth, "we will take care of everybody".
Now. You sit down and write a system that will accommodate all five, plus "take care of everybody" and which will be paid for by tolerable insurance premiums and tax rates.
Single payer is inevitable. It has been inevitable since the day in 1986 when Congress passed EMTALA, the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act without providing funding to pay for it.
When a Democrat controlled House and Senate passed Ocare there were only about 20-30 million people who did not have insurance coverage. All our system needed was a patch which the Republicans should have taken care of in the 90’s. They just never bothered to do it.
Fast forward to 2016. In the past 8 years the GOP has had time to come up with a plan. Actually Tom Price has had a good plan on the table for years. Its not that there aren’t answers to the problem the GOP leadership IMO just won’t tackle the problem. They are simply not engaged.