Title: Assistant Chief
Pension: Los Angeles Fire and Police Employees’
Pension, 2015 $1,164,022.65
Benefits $17,286.69
Years service 32.00
Year Retired 2010
So yes a Los Angeles fireman retired in his 50s with a pension of over 1 million per year with lifetime medical benefits.
Ridiculous, and totally unsustainable.
These actions clearly affect interstate commerce and trade, and should be prosecuted under the Hobbs Act. The Hobbs Act 18 U.S. Code § 1951, passed in 1946, is a federal law that prohibits robbery or extortion, or attempted robbery or extortion, that affects interstate or foreign commerce.
The Hobbs Act originally was designed to target racketeering in labor-management disputes that were common at the time.
More recently the Hobbs Act has been used to prosecute and jail politicians involved in activities that impair an area's economic viability.
Pension includes a one-time DROP payout of: $996,161.68
He will get $168,000 year plus the benefits.