There is no correct answer for everyone in all situations, but that won't prevent us from expressing our obviously correct opinions.
It's the same sort of question as the first gun fighting rule: "carry a gun, and make sure the caliber starts with a .4" against the rule: "hits are better than misses, so carry a 9 mm". Both can be right depending on the shooter and the situation. I like the 9mm, and I'm faster with my second shot on the 9mm than I am with the .45. However, I'm faster and more accurate on my first shot with the 1911 because I have so much experience with it. I can aim and hit in the black very quickly with my Glock 9mm, but my 1911 is already pointed at the black before I look at the sights.
In certain areas, I'd want one in the chamber, if I went there at all. However, my rule is don't go to those places. In other areas, or around groups with lots of kids, especially wrestling with kids (which is a lot of fun), I prefer not to have one in the chamber.