Yep! It’s all about money. It already looks like the recount in Pennsylvania is not going to happen!
Do you work for or get paid by gateway pundit or any 3rd party to lost their articles?
I am asking for a couple of reasons. First you posted this article and then replied to somebody on the article with the link to the same article that you just posted that this thread is about.
Makes me wonder if you’re getting reimbursed for how many clicks you direct to the article.
I don’t care if you or anybody else makes money but my second reason is if you are working for Gateway pundit can you tell them to stop setting up there news articles so when you try to scroll on your phone down the page of the article the first two times you touch the screen it doesn’t automatically open up an advertisement and pretend like I’m clicking on some link.
I’m sick and tired of their website hijacking my web browser and I’m never reading another Gateway pundit story from their website again until they fix it.
If I want to click on their Advertiser I will click on their Advertiser, scrolling down my screen should not open up a couple of advertisements