An absolutely great idea. College is, for the most part, a bit of a scam these days. At least for the multitudes that gain degrees in useless drivel like gender studies and sociology. It’s still a worthwhile path for engineering and the medical field and a few others, but there has been a trend to replace practical learning with indoctrination and “feel-good” classes as a substitute for gaining true knowledge.
“College is, for the most part, a bit of a scam these days.”........
A” bit of a scam” you say?. My grand daughter is about to graduate from college with teaching degrees. (Note I said degrees) She is an excellent student and has three majors, two of which require that she must pay for “practice teaching” time. She argued with the University about having to take two practice teaching courses in order to graduate but did not convince the administration that by completing one course would equal for both, she still lost and is about to finish the first of the two ‘practice” teaching sessions. Indeed it is a SCAM by the university to collect more funds for the second course which she should have gotten credit for by completing the first of the two.