The media has all you fooled .Stein has no reasons to do this. Soros is behind all of this.
Soros planned all this and is paying for this recount with automated bots that donate automatically to Stein's site. there are hardly no donations from real people. I 'm a coder this is really easy to do .
send this to Trump now or they will reverse 3 states and the election:
This is the email I sent Trump on his site:
President elect Trump,
Jill stein's recount is being paid by automated bots paid for by Soros not by real Americans
soros is trying to steal the election
I will also send this info to these sites and youtube , twitter ,facebook etc. no one knows what is going on .Soros's foreign money can 't pay for a recount. But the media will hid this.
That's Trump's site. There is a huge Button send us your ideas . We need to get this to Trump : that Jill Stein's donations for a recount were not from real people but paid by an automated bot paid for by Soros
Thanks. Will do!
This may be true but she was on CNN today calling for a recount so she is involved in it as a front person.
I never thought Stein was behind this. Always assumed Clinton and/or Soros. Stein has no reason or standing; she made no sense.
Northern Michigan will be extremely angry. This is redneck open-carry huge hunting and rifle land.
see 135