Good luck, Chuck. He can piss in the wind for what it will do.
Oh, shut your cake hole, Chuckles. Your side lost, and all the pissin’ and moanin’ ain’t gonna change a thing.
You passed the “idea”, Schmuck? Guess what? We are going to pass the “idea” of a salary for you.
Who asked him?
When we convict the DNC as a RICO organization, we can confiscate its funds and use them to help build the wall.
Then he emailed Podesta about hot dogs.
Uhm, Chuck. Your team lost. Shots? You don’t get to call em.
Chuckie just wants more time in front of the cameras.
Schmucky is showing an unusual determination to guarantee that white working class people and a lot of other former Democrats are NOT coming back. Go Schmucky!
If a President can merely by EO, “defer” deportations for huge categories of illegal immigrants, I suspect another President can upgrade border control equipment and procedures.
Schumer is just one schmuck. Who cares what that new yorker thinks.
Noted. But Schumer’s opinion doesn’t matter.
If we already passed it, let’s start building it.
Too late, I believe. Isn’t Duncan Hunter’s border fence law on the books? All that has to happen is to enforce the law.
Given the fact that the bill has been passed for some time now. And the fact that the House controls the money. And that, according to Gohnmert, the money is already set aside, as it should be.
I’m not seeing where Schumer has much say in anything. Hell, there are numerous democrats that voted for the bill, back in the day, as they were trying to pander for votes. I guess it’s too late. Oh well...
On a side note. Since Schumer is so against the wall and for illegal immigration to strengthen the dem voting base, why can’t we take some of the muslim’s that have crossed over and put them up right next door to schumer’s homes in both, NY and DC. I’m sure they’d love living next door to a nice, old jewish man. Maybe he can teach them all how to smoothly assimilate into western culture.
A long, wide expanse of razor wire — the type used for troop perimeters — can be more effective — and cheaper to lay — than wall or fence.
Schmuckie Schpeaks.
Why is it that walls seem to work every where in the world - the White House, the Israeli border, the southern Mexican border, the estates of the rich and well connected - but democrats are sure they won’t work very well to keep out undocumented spanish speaking democrat voters?
Schumer: Harry Reid without the charm.
NO WAY will American people tolerate the DEMOCRAT COMMUNIST PARTY MINORITY stopping anything that needs to be done to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!.