Check out article, see photos throughout the thread, - and esp # 15 .
Thanks, Tilted Irish Kilt.
April 21, 2016
Accused pedophile, mega-Obama-bundler and long-time prominent fixture of the radical left, Terry Bean, is responsible for the bathroom bills sweeping America. If not for Beans affluenza, it is quite likely that the 68-year-old would be in prison today for allegedly having sex with a 15-year-old boy in an Oregon hotel room in 2013 with his then-lover Kiah Lawson, who was 25 at the time. As reported at Oregonlive, Bean had offered the boy at least $200,000 to settle the case.
Terry Bean is the co-founder of several radical groups posing as civil rights organizations. One of these organizations, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), created the template for the bathroom bill ordinances sweeping the nation.
While Pastors in Houston famously brought much-needed publicity to the ordinance after Houston Mayor Annise Parker subpoenaed them for copies of their sermons back in 2014, an abundance of similar laws have quietly passed in towns all over America.
One of the towns that fought back was Fayetteville, Arkansas after the bathroom bill passed the Fayetteville City Council in August 2014. Engaged citizens gathered the required number of signatures to place the issue to a public vote in a special election
and they successfully repealed the ordinance. It should be noted that HRC contributed more than $15,000 to keep the ordinance on the books.
Arkansas is not out of the woods, however. HRCs Project One America is described as
a comprehensive, multi-year campaign to dramatically expand LGBT equality in the South through permanent campaigns in Mississippi, Alabama and Arkansas.