Not that my opinion matters to them, but I would rather see them all living at the White House as a family.
Many military children change schools midyear. It will not ruin the boy. He could be homeschooled at the WH to finish out this grade while his parents consider school choices.
Yes, lots of kids go through multiple moves. However, not many have to endure the kind of hatred and abuse Barron is likely to face in a new school.
I have always thought less of presidential candidates with young children. It is a tremendous stress on a young person to be transitioned into a fishbowl existence. The new boatload of friends who want to be in your orbit, people who use you as surrogates for your parents. I view those candidates as putting their ambition above their children’s lives.
Once more I am struck by the essential goodness and consideration of Trump & his family. Giving Barron at least a 6 month period where he is with schoolmates and teachers who already know him, while he adjusts to his new notoriety is the best thing that I could have heard. Its for the adults to adjust. Trump did not run for ambition and this accommodation confirms that he will be as faithful to America’s best interests as he is to his family.