“If she really thought it was in the bag until late in the night why would she have started drinking early enough that she could be inebriated near the end. “
Remember, you’re seeing the level of detail Fox or CNN or MSNBC decide to show you. She’s seeing up to the minute, precinct by precinct level returns. It’s safe to assume she knew early on that turnout for her was significantly lower than it was for Obama in ‘12 and that spelled real trouble for her.
When 8pm passed and Florida was a virtual tie, she knew she was in trouble because the panhandle is Trump territory and she knew she needed a big lead there to offset it - a lead she didn’t have. You can bet that the light drinking started around then. The booze probably really started flowing around 10pm when she lost Ohio by 9 points.
She was probably fully lit by the time Michigan and Wisconsin came up as possible Trump wins.
What you say is all plausible if not likely.
I still need to see video how ever much I want it to be true.
I knew Trump had it after Florida. It's not that he didn't need the other states, it's just I knew there was cheating everywhere and Florida would be up there with the worst of it. So if Trump got Florida, all else being equal (and it was), he probably would get the others he needed. Praise God, he did.