I’m thinking this may just be a real WOW! moment. Very impressive work.
I’ve never been a fan of Dark Matter and Dark Energy, supposed features of our universe that “have to be there” but that we can’t seem to detect.
Add to that our inability to reconcile the weird but rock solid Quantum Theories with Einstein’s Gravitational Theory and you certainly have some wiggle room for a new theory that resolves these issues.
So I hope this guy is on the right track. Scientific revolutions are so much fun.
I’m not trained in physics, but had the usual courses in high school and college. Ever since I was a kid, the concepts of infinity, the expanding universe (expanding into what?), the conflict between Einstein and quantum physics, dark matter and dark energy have all held my interest. I can’t think in terms of time-space, but I find all of this very interesting. When I express that interest to others, I usually get eye-rolls or that deer-in-the-headlights look. It ain’t easy being a closet geek.