He doesnt get it.
He cant figure,outmthat white people,who disagree can also not be racist. He judt picks a 64 year old black woman as the example they might - MIGHT - possibly,be wrong about.
They are never going to learn. I really believe that.
Because tovlearn requires them to believe that they can be wrong. That others may disagree with them for more than one legitimate valid reasons that do not require their permission to hold. And that while they may have a worldview that they believe works for them, others may have worldviews that work for them, and work better than their do. That,others may have better solutions,to things than they do.
They cant learn thismstuff because it threatens their worldview and it causes them to have to critically examine their beliefs. They dont do that. It shows the illogic and contradictions inherent in their patchwork of “values”.
“They can’t learn this stuff because it threatens their worldview and it causes them to have to critically examine their beliefs. They don’t do that. It shows the illogic and contradictions inherent in their patchwork of values.”
It’s my firm opinion that most people have no clue what their “world view” is or what it even means.
It’s been my experience that very few people have examined their belief systems, identified the sources of their beliefs, or ever questioned them.
This is especially true of the “independents” the “undecided” (I call them the “never decided”), because they don’t have a consistent set of values underpinned by a critically examined belief system. Without such a guide they forever have problems coming up with a decision.