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To: haffast

“Warning - The links on this page are valuable sources of information but there is no guarantee that all of the information provided is the truth. The truth is elusive at best and if you wish to find it you must listen to everyone, read everything, believe nothing unless you can prove it in your own research.”

“This is the age of deception. We are engaged in an information war. Links will take you to many other websites containing varying degrees of personal belief, religious dogma, truth, lies, misinformation, and disinformation. We urge you to practice due diligence in your quest for truth.” (Warnings credited to William Cooper)

8 posted on 01/23/2019 11:11:40 AM PST by haffast (Alternate universes held together by porridge.)
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To: haffast



This study was done to trace and understand how Socialism/Communism etc infiltrated America’s churches and is NOT an attack on anyone’s theology or church.

“Christianity” From “Red” to “Rainbow”

‘We do not have to destroy America with missiles; America will destroy itself from within.’ — Nikita Khruschev

Thanks to Bob TXXXXX’s notes on the Methodist church, my eye was drawn to the mention of Union Theological Seminary (seen before in my studies of Bonhoeffer) and Dr. Harry Frederick Ward. Yet another piece that fits and explains “Christianity” today and the rise of the Obamites and the infiltration of “another gospel” into the churches:

The “Red Dean” of Union Theological Seminary

Harry F. Ward (1873–1966) was an American Methodist minister and left-wing activist. He was the first chairman of the ACLU, leading the group from its creation in 1920 until 1940. Ward was a prominent defender of Soviet Communism, although he did not personally identify as a Communist. This ultimately led to his departure from the ACLU.

Born in London, Ward moved to the US in 1891. He was ordained as a minister in the same year. He received a bachelor’s degree from Northwestern University in 1897, a master’s degree from Harvard in 1898, and a law degree from the University of Wisconsin in 1931. Ward taught ethics at the Union Theological Seminary from 1918 until 1941.

Ward was active in a variety of left-wing causes besides the ACLU. He was one of the founders of the Methodist Federation for Social Action and served as its general secretary from 1911 to 1944. From 1934 to 1940, he was the chairman of the American League Against War and Fascism. He frequently spoke at events held by the National Council of American-Soviet Friendship.

In October 1939 Ward testified before HUAC, which concluded that the American League Against War and Fascism was a Communist front. In March 1940, the ACLU, under pressure to demonstrate its anti-Communism, barred Communists from holding office in the organization. Ward resigned in protest, and Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, the ACLU’s lone Communist board member, was forced out soon after.

Harry F. Ward

Ward taught ethics at the Union Theological Seminary from 1918 until 1941.[1][1][4]

The Public Theology of Harry F. Ward

“The following article is from a pamphet by Harry F. Ward published by the Quaker Heron Press based on a presentation on May 11, 1918, in Philadelphia. The title was “The Christian Demand For Social Reconstruction.” Ward was a Methodist who taught at Boston University and then at Union Theological Seminary in New York where he was a colleague of Reinhold Niebuhr. He retired in 1941 and died in 1966.”

“As you read this piece notice how the social vision of Ward is rooted in his understanding of the teaching of Jesus. And realize also how much the basic issues he discusses, economic and military, continue to be with us nearly one hundred years later.”


“By 1922, the Communists in America had received their orders from the Communist International to **exploit Negroes** in the Communist program against the peace and security of the United States. In 1923, the NAACP began to receive grants from the Garland Fund which was a major source for the financing of Communist Party enterprises. (Officials of the Fund included Communists William Z. Foster, Benjamin Gitlow, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, Scott Nearing, and Robert W. Dunn, along with prominent leftwingers Roger Baldwin, Sidney Hillman, Ernest Gruening, Morris Ernst, Mary E. McDowell, **Harry F. Ward**, Judah L. Magnes, Freda Kirchwey, Emanuel Celler, Paul H. Douglas, Moorfield Storey, and Oswald Garrison Vilard). The grants continued until, at least, 1934.”[7]

America’s Communist Lawyers’ Union
(American Civil Liberties Union)

“The ACLU was founded at a party attended by Socialist Party notable Norman Thomas, future Communist Party chairman Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, and Soviet agent Agnes Smedley. In 1920, **Rev. Harry Ward**, the ‘Red Dean’ of the Union Theological Seminary was Chairman, Baldwin was director, and Communist publisher Louis Budenz, who would later go on to testify against Communism, director of publicity.”

The ACLU’s Communist, Atheist Roots
December 16, 2010 By Paul G. Kengor

Imagine: a Christian was a founder of the ACLU. That’s Harry Ward.

I found documents in the Soviet archives where communist officials in Moscow and New York deliberately targeted Ward to help push their propaganda. In one, a December 1920 letter, Ward is listed by Comintern officials as a source to get their materials on the shelves at the seminary library.

It wasn’t atheistic communism that concerned the Rev. Ward. No, it was anti-communism. Writing in Protestant Digest in January 1940, long before Senator McCarthy arrived on the scene, Ward admonished the faithful of the perils of “anti-communism,” which was being employed “under the leadership of [Congressman Martin] Dies in a new red hunt,” one “more ruthless than that of [former Attorney General] Mitchell Palmer.” (Both Dies and Palmer were Democrats.)

Collectivism in churches

“Mr. KUNZIG: Mr. Johnson, before we leave this point I note that the name Harry Ward has appeared in so many of these various organizations and groups. It seems as if there is almost an interlacing tie-up of one to the other and, not in any one particular religious sect or denomination, but through various sects and denominations. Have you any comment to make on this situation?

Mr. JOHNSON: Yes, I have. Dr. Harry F. Ward, for many years, has been the chief architect for Communist infiltration and subversion in the religious field.”

“This clergyman, Dr. Harry F. Ward, not only had a powerful influence in the American churches, through The Federal Council of Churches, softening up his own country with Communist propaganda, but he went overseas to help to prepare China, with its 500 million souls, for eventual capture by communism. Men in the pulpit will not tell their people these things, and the people do not even know that testimony upon them is available.”

Mr. KUNZIG: What kind of an organization was the Methodist Federation for Social Action, and how did it differ from a Communist-front organization?

Mr. GITL0W: The Methodist Federation for Social Action, originally called the Methodist Federation for Social Service, was first organized by a group of Socialist, Marxist clergymen of the Methodist church headed by Dr. Harry F. Ward. Dr. Ward was the organizer, for almost a lifetime its secretary and actual leader. He at all times set its ideological and political pattern. Its objective was to transform the Methodist Church and Christianity into an instrument for the achievement of socialism. It was established in 1907, 12 years before the organization of the Communist Party in the United States in 1919.

Religion: Christian Council
Monday, Feb. 05, 1940 <-———Note date

In Cleveland last week the word went out that the **Reds** were coming. The patrioteers stiffened their sinews. The Reds were 500 delegates to an “emergency conference” of the United Christian Council for Democracy. Among them were such innocuous clergymen as Episcopal Bishop Beverley D. Tucker of Ohio, such unsubversive characters as Methodist Bishop Francis John McConnell of New York, **Dr. Reinhold Niebuhr** of **Union Theological Seminary** (**chairman of the Council**)—and a couple of sure-enough **fellow travelers**, **Methodist Rev. Dr. Harry Frederick Ward** and Episcopalian Rev. William Benjamin (”Bill”) Spofford.

Read more:,9171,763456,00.html#ixzz27pMozPFa

March 3, 1960 (Pages 4393 – 4407)

Dr. Harry F. Ward, long a recognized leader - in the National Council of Churches, was a professor of
Christian ethics at Union Theological Seminary in New York City for some 25 years, during which time he
influenced thousands of theological students. Dr. Ward was identified by Louis Francis Budenz (an ex-
Communist) before the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee as a member of the Communist Party. Ex-
Communist Leonard Patterson testified that Dr. Ward, himself, Earl Browder, and others were assigned to a
top policymaking body of the Communist Party. Ex-Communist Manning Johnson - referred to Dr. Ward
as the “Red dean of the Communist Party in the religious field.” To show the thinking of Dr. Ward, in a
radio broadcast on May 21, 1946, he stated: “the Soviet Union is progressing and growing up economically
and politically since the time of the Czars, while capitalist society is starving and going down.” Neither Dr.
Ward nor his works have been repudiated by the Union Theological Seminary, an Interdenominational
seminary highly rated in national council circles.

Harry F. Ward came before Jim Wallis

Harry F. Ward was on the forefront of Social Justice before anyone even knew who the Marxist Jim Wallis was. Harry Ward a fellow traveler and professor at the Union Theological Seminary in New York City, actually compared the actions of the communists to those of Jesus. He also wrote, “The Social Creed of the Churches”, the most widely circulated expression of the Social Gospel which attempted to articulate the social ethics of Christianity. Harry F. Ward was also believed to be involved with as many as 60 communist front organizations as a professor adding credence to the thought that communists were actively infiltrating the education system in this country.

Communism and the Protestant ‘social Gospel’ — a long history

Walter Rauschenbusch (1861 – 1918), Professor of Church History at Rochester Theological Seminary, is known as the ‘Father of the Social Gospel’. You might be interested to know that John D Rockefeller funded this seminary, along with many others in the United States.

Dr Rauschenbusch grew up in a German Lutheran family but became a Baptist pastor prior to his professorship. His status as a professor gave him the platform to become an influential theologian. He wrote two books, Christianising the Social Order and A Theology for the Social Gospel. He considered himself steeped in ‘higher criticism’ and well-versed in socialism. He proposed a more relevant and compassionate Gospel designed to change the emphasis and direction of American Protestantism. He also introduced the idea of an earthly Kingdom achieved through socialism. He posited that Jesus didn’t come to save sinners but had a ‘social passion’ for society. Does that sound familiar?

A year later John D Rockefeller helped Rauschenbusch and the **Fabian Revd Harry Ward** — remember this name — to fund the establishment of the Federal Council of Churches. This would eventually become the National Council of Churches. We now have the World Council of Churches, which is very much aligned with the United Nations and global agendas. Jesus Christ doesn’t get a look in.

Treason in the Church: Trading Truth for a “Social Gospel”
by Berit Kjos - September 2006

“Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Popular church leaders use the same strategy today! Pastor Brian McLaren’s recent book, The Secret Message of Jesus, twists God’s Word into an endorsement of an earthly, interfaith Kingdom.[8] Likewise, Tony Campolo’s hope of earthly perfection mocks the Biblical promise of eternal life:

“The gospel is not about... pie-in-the-sky when they die.... It is imperative that the up and coming generation recognize that the biblical Jesus was committed to the realization of a new social order in this world.... Becoming a Christian, therefore, is a call to social action.”[9]”

“With Rockefeller support, Rauschenbusch and his Fabian protégé Rev. Harry Ward helped establish the Federal Council of Churches (FCC) in 1908.[13] Rev. Ward, through his Soviet connections and influential positions, would become the main source of Communist infiltration into the FCC (later renamed NCC, National Council of Churches), Christian seminaries, and compassionate unsuspecting pastors and congregations across the country. Hard to believe? Then look at the evidence below.”

JOHNSON: “Once the tactic of infiltrating religious organizations was set by the Kremlin, the actual mechanics of implementing the ‘new line’ was a question of following the... church movement in Russia, where the Communists discovered that the destruction of religion could proceed much faster through infiltration of the church by Communist agents operating within the church itself.

“...the infiltration tactic in this country would have to adapt itself to American conditions.... In the earliest stages it was determined that with only small forces available it would be necessary to concentrate Communist agents in the seminaries and divinity schools. The practical conclusion drawn by the Red leaders was that these institutions would make it possible for a small Communist minority to influence the ideology of future clergymen....

“...the idea was to divert the emphasis of clerical thinking from the spiritual to the material.... Instead of emphasis towards the spiritual and matters of the soul, the new and heavy emphasis was to deal with those matters which, in the main, led toward the Communist program of “immediate demands” [or “felt needs”]....

Does the last point sound familiar? It should to those who are concerned about the worldwide Purpose-Driven movement. For Rick Warren prompted that same shift from “the spiritual” to “the material.” As he told thousands of pastors around the world through his “Ministry Toolbox” (link is now broken) the focus of his ministry has shifted from faith in God’s Word to service to the world:

The Creation of the Religious Left

“When people reflect on the Christian church they generally picture a fellowship of believers whose focus is on *spiritual growth*, *spreading the faith*, and *good works*. These were the church’s primary goals until the last few decades. There is a wide gulf, however, between yesterday’s goals and today’s agenda. The American mainline churches the most prominent of which are the *United Methodists*, the United Church of Christ, the Presbyterian Church (USA), the Episcopalians, the American Baptists, many Catholic leaders and orders, and the Lutheran Church in America - have realigned their priorities in a frighteningly *political* direction.”

“A growing percentage of Christian leadership has abandoned its role as *spiritual shepherd* because it no longer considers humanity’s *spiritual welfare* its greatest concern. A great many bishops have rejected *winning souls* in favor of *influencing political issues*. Church bureaucracy now neglects traditional mission in favor of *lobbying for political causes*. In fact, certain sectors of the church now make it their primary business to manufacture, widely distribute, and finance a radical agenda by which they hope *to save the world*. In doing so, they have created the *Religious Left*.”

Support Dr. Ward - 1919


and the


“In 1929, when Kornfeder was in Moscow, he heard **Harry F. Ward** and his work discussed in the Anglo-American Secretariat, where Ward was portrayed as the architect of the methods by which churches could he infiltrated (”of Communists and fellow travelers working inside the churches, giving themselves the coloring of religious reformers and of getting the church in the social side, away from spiritualism”).”

“In fact, when one studies the methods of the Methodist Federation, I wonder who learned from whom, whether it was Harry F. Ward who learned from Stalin or whether Stalin learned from Harry Wand.”

Let’s review:

Abyssinian Baptist Church - New York

Adam Clayton Powell, Sr. - preached the Gospel of **Social Justice** as pastor of Abyssinian Baptist Church

Bonhoeffer in Harlem - “Deeply interested in **ecumenism**, he was appointed by the World Alliance for Promoting International Friendship through the Churches (a forerunner of the **World Council of Churches**) as one of its three European youth secretaries. “

“Rejecting the objective unalterable moral standards of the Bible, Bonhoeffer proclaimed a situational ethics — that right and wrong are determined solely by the “loving obligations of the moment” “

Charles A. Briggs - popularized German biblical criticism in the United States, first as a professor at Union and then as its president.
- an important early leader of the Modernist movement.

James H. Cone – Charles A. Briggs Distinguished Professor of Systematic Theology at Union Theological Seminary – Founder of Black Liberation Theology”

Martin Niemöller - “In 1961, he became president of the **World Council of Churches**.[9] He earned the **Lenin** Peace Prize in 1966.”
“ He met with Ho Chi Minh during the Vietnam War and was a committed campaigner for nuclear disarmament.”

Reinhold Niebuhr - “Christian ethicist”, “Starting as a leftist minister in the 1920s indebted to theological liberalism, he shifted to the new Neo-Orthodox theology in the 1930s, ....”
“....and created the theo-philosophical perspective known as Christian realism.”

“During the 1930s, Niebuhr was a prominent leader of the militant faction of the Socialist Party of America, although he disliked die-hard Marxists by calling their beliefs a religion and a thin one at that.[23] In 1941, he cofounded the Union for Democratic Action, a group with a strongly militarily interventionist, internationalist foreign policy and a pro-union, liberal domestic policy, and was the group’s sole president until its transformation into the Americans for Democratic Action in 1947.[24]”

Rev. Jeremiah Wright - G** D**n America . Your Christianity is not necessarily our Christianity.
“”Obama was steeped in Islam but knew nothing about Christianity,” Klein says.”

“Klein asked Wright if he converted Obama from being a Muslim into a Christian.”

“He said, I don’t know about that. but I can tell you that I made it easy for him to come to an understanding of who Jesus Christ is and not feel that he was turning his back on his Islamic friends and his Islamic traditions and his understanding of Islam,” Klein says.”

“The second area was Obama’s political philosophy. Wright introduced Obama to Black Liberation theology.”

President Barrack Hussein Obama - Received more than just “Dreams From My Father”, and his socialist mother, or his communist grandparents, or Communist mentor Frank Marshall Davis, or Black Liberationist Rev. Jeremiah Wright

Union Theological Seminary - “The seminary was founded in 1836 under the Presbyterian Church,[3] and is affiliated with nearby **Columbia University**. In the 20th century, Union was world renowned as a center of **liberal Christianity and neo-orthodoxy**, in addition to being the birthplace of the **Black Liberation Theology**, **Womanist Theology** and **Mujerista Theology** movements.”

“Throughout Union’s history, the Seminary has been home to brilliant theological scholars and leaders of social change. “
(note the “leaders of social change”)

So far I can find no mention of Dr. Harry F. Ward on UTS’ current website, though he taught “Christian Ethics” there for over twenty years. How sanitary. However, their mission is the same: evolving to serve the creature rather than the Creator.—mission/mission-vision

The New “Rainbow Dean” of Union Theological Seminary:

Serene Jones - President of the Faculty, Union Theological Seminary
Johnston Family Chair for Religion and Democracy

The Rev. Dr. Serene Jones is the 16th president of the historic Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York. The first woman to head the 174-year-old nondenominational seminary, which is in Manhattan and neighbors with Columbia University, Jones came to Union after seventeen years at Yale University, where she was the Titus Street Professor of Theology at the Divinity School, and chair of Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.

She was co-principal investigator on the “Women, Religion, and Globalization Grant” for the Henry T. Luce Initiative on Religion and International Affairs at Yale. Dr. Jones is a prolific and popular scholar in the fields of theology, religion, globalization, and gender studies. Her most recent book, Trauma and Grace: Theology in a Ruptured World, explores the devastating social and personal effects of violence on the human psyche and the role religious communities can play, both negative and positive, in healing wounds.

Her book Feminist Theory and Christian Theology is a standard textbook in feminist theology. In addition to three other books, and 37 articles and book chapters since 1991, she has delivered a long list of professional papers and public lectures across the United States and around the world. She holds degrees from the University of Oklahoma, Yale Divinity School and Yale University. Jones is ordained in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the United Church of Christ.

What straight people can learn from gay marriage- Rev. Serene Jones

LGBTQ - Rev. Seren Jones’s Appeal For Those To Come To Union Theological Seminary

New International Version (©1984)
For certain men whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are godless men, who change the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.

New Living Translation (©2007)
I say this because some ungodly people have wormed their way into your churches, saying that God’s marvelous grace allows us to live immoral lives. The condemnation of such people was recorded long ago, for they have denied our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.

New International Version (©1984)
“Be careful,” Jesus warned them. “Watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees and that of Herod.”

New International Version (©1984)
“A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough.”

New International Version (©1984)
But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned!

9 posted on 01/23/2019 11:27:17 AM PST by haffast (Alternate universes held together by porridge.)
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