Will someone please slap some sense into Harry Reid.
Will someone please give Reid a long overdue lesson in the basics of common courtesy.
But this is the new Democrat narrative.
The Democrats are saying that Trump is a racist and that Trump bears responsibility for the Democrat paid thugs. Trump must bring about unity.
And the unsaid punch line: Trump must not prosecute any of the Democrats for their many crimes.
There is no way for Trump to please any of these people.
His only course of action must be to aggressively prosecute every one of them that violated the law.
Harry “rubberband man” Reid has spoken.
Sadly, nobody gives a shit what he thinks.
ABC agrees.
Harry Reid is one of the most hateful people in the Senate. He doesn’t fool anyone with that low, passive/aggressive speech pattern he uses. I bet he cusses like a Hillary in private. #ByeByeHarry
Reid is using the same talking points as Elizabeth Warren.
Democrats are incapable of thinking generally and/or thinking for themselves period.
There is no more hateful person in American than Harry Reid. N Nevada hates him. S Nevada is fearful of him.
There is NOTHING about Harry that can be trusted.
He needs another lesson from his ‘treadmill’.
His only course of action must be to aggressively prosecute every one of them that violated the law.
Exactly right. If he acted on my advice he would order the investigation of Reid and every other Democrat suspected of criminal activity, and that would probably include hundreds of them in all three branches of government. LOCK ‘EM ALL UP!
Trump needs to tell Reid to take his bullsh*t rhetoric and stick it where the sun doesn’t shine. He is a suspected felon and should be investigated by the FBI right after Comey the Clown is escorted to the exit door.
Trump needs to sue. It will probably be dismissed, but it will run up the Reid’s legal bills and maybe even go to discovery. You really need to pick low hanging fruit.