Proves her campaign was always all about herself. Her supporters were with her, but she ultimately wasnt with them.
Absolutely. A leader doesn't do this, a self-absorbed politician does. I mean, come on, this is a group that has donated money, time, sweat, even blood, to see their candidate to the ballot and to promote her to the election. They deserve something better than a third-rate consigliere getting shoved out onto the stage to tell them to go home now. It doesn't even have to be complicated, a "Thank you, we gave it a good run," would have sufficed. Not nothing. Nothing doesn't suffice.
It simply strains credulity to envision Hillary Rodham Clinton sobbing inconsolably. This is, after all, a woman with a well-earned reputation for petting fuzzy puppies just before she tears their little livers out with her teeth. Shrieking, throwing objects, blaming everyone around her but herself, that I can easily envision. It may be that this isn't the impression her staff wanted to reveal to the outside world, but she did let her people down, and that too is very revealing.