Details of Government Records and the use of Personal devices in the handling of those records or confidential/secret Information
To whom it may concern...every American Citizen,
November5, 2016
My name is Jeff Head. Due to having a terminal case of cancer, I am retiring from my employ with the Federal Government under a Medical Retirement; all of the paperwork for which I have submitted.
During the course of my employ I have served as an Area Physical Security Officer/Coordinator and an Area Information Technology Security Coordinator. That is why I a writing this letter.
It deals directly with this year's presidential election.
For every agency in the Federal Government, it is required that every employee take Information Technology and Physical Security Training each year and to pass that training. It is required. It is not optional.
It is also required that every employee's supervisor must sign off each year for each of their employees certifying that they took the training and that they passed it. It is required. It is not optional.
That training focuses on Government Records, what they are and what they are not, and how they are handled. It focuses on Confidential, Secure, and Secret information and what it is and what it is not, and how it is handled. I points out very specifically that government records and all confidential, secure, and secret or other critical governmental information MUST BE stored on encrypted government servers and NOT on personal servers, or servers or storage devices that are not encrypted by government IT System.
It makes clear that such information is not to be shared, talked about with employees who do not have a direct need to know, or who are not directly involved with the programs involved with such data.
A government employee cannot use their own device, be it a server, smartphone, Thumb Drive, or any other portable storage device that is not specifically approved of and issued by the Federal government.
For an employee to do so, requires that there be significant consequences ranging from immediate warnings that their employ may be terminated if someone uses their own device, to criminal consequences including indictment and prosecution if government confidential, secure, secret, or higher data is mishandled.
We now have an individual who has been nominated for the office of the Presidency for the DNC who had done all of this...and the severity of what they have done becomes more clear with each passing day. Such an individual is already guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors and is therefore, according to the Constitution unqualified to be President if such activity is proven.
This individual, Hillary Clinton, should be indicted and thoroughly investigated an cleared of these charges before she can legally run for the Presidency.
Her "supervisor" is the President, and as time goes on, it becomes more and more clear that he himself has lied about the details of this situation and what he knew and when he knew it. He should be immediately investigated and impeached for this miscarriage should they prove true.
Any Federal employee involved in the investigation of this activity who has not blow the whistle on what has occurred, who, as a result of the investigation knows the details, should be investigated for obstruction.
Right now I am awaiting for the OPM to determine the status of my Medical Retirement. I hav terminal cancer (and have had for the last several years) for which there is no known cure...though we have explored the possibilities.
I am not directly involved with this investigation and my Agency is not involved. However, before I reach a point where because of the progression of the disease or the impact of the meds where I can no longer do so, I needed to commit this information and testimony so all can know the truth of these matters and what is and what is not required.
I do so now, so help me God.
Jeff Head
US Bureau of Reclamation
Physical Security Office Coordinator (Retiring)
Snake River Office
My prayers are going up for you right now.
What you said in your letter is 1000% accurate.
From the yearly security briefings,
to the storage and handling requirements with respect to classified documents and information,
to the prohibition on bringing personal electronics into the secure area,
to not discussing info with anyone unless they have a “need to know”,
to the requirement that anyone knowing of security breaches must report them,
to the penalties involved,
and the disqualifying aspects of such breaches, upon the office of President .
All of it is 1000% accurate.
— WildHighlander57, 37 years in defense industry