I don’t think that High Treason matters. I think she would be impeached and convicted. Hillary behind bars would seriously wreck the DNC and Kaine’s presidency.
Don’t wait until she attains more political power - arrest her NOW. TODAY.
Clinton sent classified email to Abedin’s Yahoo account. Clinton is an IDIOT who treats our nation’s security as a trifling thing of no importance, except when it can be traded for a donation to her foundation.
I’m certain the RINOs will join the Democrat chorus in charges of politicizing her case. In fact the opposite is true - RINOs & Democrats & Clinton seek to excuse her crimes because of politics. NOTHING DOING. ARREST HER BECAUSE OF HER CRIMES. Being a politician is not a “get out of jail free” card.
RINOs can hang too.
Is there any chance of conviction if the Democrats have even one third of the Senate?